
The Blog-Tember Challenge | Day 2: Current Goals

Woohoo for day 2 of the Blog-Tember challenge! If you missed me yesterday, you can find my introduction here.

Today, it’s all about goals! I’m excited for this one, because it keeps me grounded!

Today’s prompt: Current Goals

Let’s get kickin’ with some goals!


Goal 1: To spend at least 30 minutes in The Word every day. 

Goal 2: To finish my first semester back in college in over a year, without getting overwhelmed.

Goal 3: To get involved/join a church soon. I really need that community, and since moving, we haven’t established that yet. 

Goal 4: To buy craft supplies for my new craft room! Yay! 

Goal 5: Finish packing for hubby and I’s move (again)! But this time, I look forward to it!

Goal 6: To start planning/prepping for hubby & I’s first holidays’ together married! 

Goal 7: To make myself a cleaning schedule. I am awful at keeping things up, ya’ll! 

Goal 8: To learn how to take stock photos! I am so fascinated by these, and really want to learn how to do it myself…when I have time! 

Goal 9: To host another giveaway on the blog! The last one was so much fun! I want to do it again! 

Goal 10: To rest more, and re-energize myself so I can finish all these goals and not get overwhelmed! 

What did you think??

What are some goals that you have?


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