
Blog-tember Day 7 | About The Blog

Today’s Prompt: Tell us about your blog name. Where did it come from? 
This blog has only existed for roughly 8 months. I started this little blog back in January after spending some time in The Word and felt a calling to share my story.
In the moments after that conviction, starting a blog popped in the forefront of my mind as the easiest way to share my story of Christ’s goodness in my life.
My sole purpose and desire for this blog is to share His story and equip, encourage, and empower others through my personal experience of His grace.
Each post isn’t just some random musings that I talk about. Everything I write is something that The Lord has guided me to share, or something that is a personal testimony.
With the exception of the few recipes and other topics that go along with this blogtemberchallenge, my posts are faith based because of my real relationship, with a real God, leading my life in real ways. I don’t want people who read this blog to see me, I want people who read this blog to see Jesus.
The name to Share, Care, & Love came to me because my vision for this blog is to SHARE my story, to CARE about my topics, my readers, and making my Savior known, & above all, LOVE the people I meet regardless of their walk of life.
There is no greater mission for me in my life, than to make Him known, and hopefully encourage, equip, & empower others walking with The Lord to share their personal stories or through this blog come to know Jesus as their personal Lord & Savior.
What about you? What’s your blog about?
If you are just seeing this post for the first time, hop on over here to read about the new name & what it means!

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