Friendship Promises | A Book Review
We all have friendships that mean the world to us, but sometimes we struggle to tell them that. Shocking as it may be for a wordie like myself, I struggle with this as well. Thankfully the folks at (in)courage understand that too, and this resource I’m about to share with you will change your life.
This resource will help both you and your closest friends have an even closer and more meaningful relationship than ever before. Filled with both beautiful pictures and beautiful promises, this book allows you to share your heart in a meaningful way with your friends.
DISCLAIMER: I received this book from B&H Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. Want to be a B&H/LifeWay blogger too? Apply at

Friendship Promises is a meaningful gift book, for both the giver and the recipient. Sharing these encouraging words will help friends walk confidently toward a sweet, strong relationship grounded in honesty, kindness, and a devotion to God and one another. Featuring reflections about friendship from Never Unfriended by Lisa-Jo Baker, and Craving Connection from the (in)courage community, Friendship Promises combines beautiful graphics with devotional reflections, prayers, Scripture, and journaling prompts. By giving this lovely book, you are sharing your heart to be a friend that is authentic, present, encouraging, and rooted in Christ.

I don’t know about you, but I often question whether I am a good friend. It sounds rather silly, I know, but it is the honest truth. Usually I ask questions like “should I have said/done (fill in the blank) differently?”, “Am I showing my friends how much they mean to me?”. I’d venture to guess you have done the same.
I’ve got some great news for you, though! Change is absolutely possible and you can even start today. If you don’t know where to start, then this book is definitely something you should pick up.
(in)Courage wrote this book for somebody just like you, and your friends too. Friendship Promises is packed with encouraging words, prayers, and more that will speak to not only your soul but the souls of your friends as well.
This book had me smiling and saying “yes and amen” throughout the entire thing, and I just know you will enjoy it as much as I have.

Friendship Promises is a beautiful book about friendship that will encourage both the giver and the recipient. The writers of the book filled it with lots of great promises on being a better friend that get you thinking but encourage your soul at the same time. It’s also a book about being thankful for the friends in your life God has given you.
Not only are there tons of great promises in there, it is by far the prettiest book I’ve seen because it has beautiful illustrations and photos too. The book is warm and inviting just like true hospitality is too.
It invites you in to the pages to stay a while. Friendship is like that too, inviting each other into our lives to stand together and lift each other up throughout the craziness of life.
This book is one that literally keeps on giving, and I think that’s what it’s intended to do. You read it, and then pass it on to your friends in hopes that they’ll be encouraged and pass it on for another friend to enjoy and be encouraged by.

Sometimes it can be intimidating to invite people in because we feel like everything has to be Pinterest perfect to do so. But that’s totally missing the point of friendship and allowing yourself to be vulnerable and authentic with people.
In the book, it says “If I wait for my house or my life to be perfect before inviting someone into it, I might never let anyone come through the door”. Ouch. But it’s so incredibly true.
We can’t wait for our life or houses to be perfect before we feel comfortable enough to invite people into it, we have to show up where we currently are and be willing to say “I don’t have it all together, and that’s okay, I’m here for you”.
While this process is going to be hard to do, because I struggle too, it is one that yields the best rewards and one I’m willing to sacrifice it all for.

Even though this thing may be super scary at first, I firmly believe it will be the best thing we ever did. Friendship is so beautiful and our friends deserve our support. One of my favorite lines from the book says “Maybe . the most intimate, radical thing we can do for our friends is show up”.
I encourage you to just show up. No matter what that looks like. Even if your house looks like a tornado came through, just show up and be there for your friends.

If you’re ready to embark on the greatest friendship journey there is, then I encourage you to pick up a copy of this book, read it, and share it with your friends. It’s available online at LifeWay or wherever books are sold!
I promise that it will be a really great investment for you and your friends. This book will encourage the souls of both you and your friends.