How To Use IFTTT
It’s no secret that IFTTT is one of my favorite blogging tools, but it honestly never crossed my mind to do a tutorial on just HOW to use the platform until a friend suggested it to me. You see, sometimes in this world of blogging we forget that others don’t know how to use platforms and need instructions in addition to being told about something, ha!
So today, that’s exactly what imma tell you how to do in 3 easy steps. IFTTT is a platform I use on the reg that is so easy to use and set up and the best part is that it’s automated so you don’t even have to think about it really after you set it up. I love being able to automate my workflow with this platform and making the internet work for me as opposed to the other way around. This platform is super easy to use and super effective too. Here’s how ya use it:

Step 1: Create an Account
This one is pretty self explanatory, but I’ll go ahead and mention it. Once you create your account and fill in the necessary information, then the fun truly begins! You can login with Google, Facebook, or click below those to create a brand new account.

Step 2: Create Applets!
Applets are IFTTT’s way of utilizing separate programs for one purpose. Such as, if you wanted to share a new blog post to Facebook, you would use the WordPress applet and the Facebook applet to share your latest blog post to Facebook. IFTTT stands for “If This, Then That”. Your applet would interpret the programs as “If any new blog post from ‘xyz website’, then share post to Facebook”. To get started, you’ll see a screen like below & IFTTT will walk you through the rest.

Step 3: Sit Back & Relax
The beauty of IFTTT is the automation. You can take a deep breath knowing that the internet is working for you and that your post will be published without you even having to log in to do it. The only downside that I have found, is that the applets take about an hour after posts are published to “run” and publish the new content. Other than that, this tool gets an A+ in my book for ease of use and its automation!
I sure hope that this post was helpful for you and that it encouraged you to give IFTTT a try! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions. I’d be more than happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge and ability.
If you’re already using IFTTT, what’s your favorite thing about it!? Tell me in the comments!