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How To Write Your First Blog Post
It can be very overwhelming when you’re learning how to write your first blog post. I remember when I started blogging way back in 2014 how nervous I was to hit “publish” for the first time. I made a lot of mistakes and have learned a few things along the way that will hopefully set…

4 Ways You Can Love Others Well
In an age where love is talked about and portrayed as nothing but physical, and sometimes even looked at negatively, we tend to forget how to love others well or what that looks like. Jesus talks a lot about this in Scripture, and there are multiple ways we can show Christ-like love to others, but…

Seth’s Birth Story
I gave birth 7 months ago and I’m just now getting around to writing Seth’s birth story. It has been a whirlwind of a couple months getting adjusted to mamahood! It is such a crazy story, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. I know I’ve been a little MIA, and it’s…

Monthly Monday Monologue Vol. 2
Happy Monday, friends! As of Saturday, I am officially 26 weeks and feeling it, lol. I feel massive, and I still have a little over 3 months left till we get to meet our little man! If you read my last post, you probably remember me talking about my struggles with insecurity. The above photo,…

Bumpdate: 25 Weeks
It’s so hard to believe that I am now 6 months pregnant, and I only have 15 short weeks left! I never thought I’d be one to do a Bumpdate, that is until I got pregnant, and here we are. Things are a lot harder to accomplish nowadays, as I am always out of breath….