New Every Morning | A Book Review
One of my favorite verses in all of Scripture that I remind myself of, is Lamentations 3:22-23 where it says “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for his mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!“.
It reminds me that God loves me in spite of all my flaws and failures, and that his mercy truly never ends which comforts me.
Something you may not know about me, is that I am an avid lover of good devotionals. I am also very picky when it comes to them, for good reason. Today, I want to share one with you that I’ve quite enjoyed, and hope you will too.
DISCLAIMER: I received this book from B&H Publishing in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. Want to be a B&H/LifeWay blogger too? Apply at

New Every Morning
is a unique and dynamic devotional book compiled by Dr. Phil Barfoot and written by 118 premier worship pastors, ministers of music, and Christian university professors across America. Each devotion presents a fresh and inspiring thought and Scripture for the day designed to refresh, renew, and recharge the spiritual life of each reader. The book is designed for private devotionals, choirs, worship teams, and small group study. As a private devotional, the reader can use the book as a traditional daily devotional. As a leader of a ministry group, the book can be used on Wednesdays and Sundays to offer specific insights and wisdom into the discussion of worship and our role in worship.
Dr. Barfoot is clear. His prayer is that each day, through this book, we experience God’s mercies New Every Morning.
Our time is valuable. How are we spending it?
As much as I love devotionals, I will admit that even though they are great resources to have, I often struggle getting in to The Word daily. I’m sure you struggle too, no matter how much you try.
There’s so much meat within New Every Morning. With every devotion written, there’s something to get out of each one that will leave you both encouraged and convicted.
Within this devotional, you’ll find a passage of Scripture to reflect and meditate on, some questions that will help you apply these Biblical principles to your life, and a prayer at the end for worship and thankfulness.

In New Every Morning, there’s a particular devotion that really convicts me. It says that: “The things that matter most can get lost in the things that matter least. Prayer, Bible study, fellowship, worship, and ministry engagement can be smothered by less important agendas”.
Ouch. That really hits me square between the eyes. In the spirit of honesty, oftentimes my less important agenda includes binging my new favorite Netflix show instead of using that time to be in The Word. One of my prayers is that God will change me and my heart about this.

Phil Barfoot filled this devotional with so much truth. Each page is a new story, each with a wonderful bottom line truth from pastors everywhere that will encourage your heart and soul.
Stop praying for world revival, and pray instead for God to revive you.
One of the things that we all struggle with, is that we pray for revival in our world, but forget about ourselves. I think we get blinders over our eyes and think God needs to work in the world, and not us. Another of my favorite parts of this devotional are below:

That truth stings, but I’m glad it does! This isn’t to say we shouldn’t keep praying for revival in our nation, I believe we should, but above all we should be praying for revival in ourselves to bear good fruit.
The only way we can bear good fruit in our lives, is by praying for the Holy Spirit to revive our hearts and do that in us. Asking him to revive us first, and then others.
How can we serve Christ effectively or share the gospel with others if we’re more concerned with another’s relationship with Christ before our own? The answer is we can’t. We need to be completely reliant on Christ, and not ourselves.

We are weak apart from Jesus.
Many times I’ve tried to take control of my life and my circumstances, but it never works. I love how the above devotion points out that God’s power dominates our weaknesses, and that our best defense to threats is Jesus alone.
There’s so many good things about this devotional. The only downside I found was minor. If you have bad eyes, the print is rather small so be mindful of that. Other than that, New Every Morning is a great devotional.
If you’re looking for a good devotional that will help start your day off on the right foot, New Every Morning would be a great one to choose. You can purchase this devotional with LifeWay or wherever books are sold!