The Blogtember Challenge Introduction// 2015
I started my blog here back in January as a way to share my story of God’s grace and redemption in my life. My passion is to see others come to know Christ through sharing my story.A little bit about me:I’m a 23 yr old Tennessee raised gal who was born in Texas. I am currently not in school for personal reasons, but work part-time at LifeWay here where I live as per the last 3 years.
I follow Jesus and I enjoy writing, singing, playing guitar, coffee, drawing, painting, and other assorted crafts. I also really adore being outdoors in nature with God and my boyfriend Ben. When Ben & I began dating last year, we started dubbing ourselves “adventurers” because we both enjoy exploring. We even made an adventure book inspired by the movie Up as a way to keep record of all our adventures!
My absolute favorite season is fall, because of the weather and there are so many awesome things about it like S’mores, hayrides, bonfires, pumpkin everything, and more!
I, like Bailey Jean, am an extroverted introvert. I love love love being with people and socializing, but after a while need to take a break to re-energize because it wears me out.
I am somewhat of a perfectionist, and am OCD about literally everything! Especially when it comes to organization! (Well, most days anyways).
I have unruly naturally curly hair that I used to loathe as a kid, but have since grown to love it and it’s somewhat unpredictable-ness.
I think that’s enough craziness about me for one day!
Read below for some super fun facts about me!
The fun facts: