Quarter 2 Goals | 2020
Some things are better late than never, and these Quarter 2 Goals are one of them. I had fully intended to get this post out in April like a good blogger, but I was feeling the weight of our circumstances in the world and just couldn’t write.
Looking back at my Quarter 1 Goals for this year, I feel like I was a bit naive. I expected 2020 to be a lot more exciting than it currently is. Instead, we got hit with Coronavirus/COVID-19/Sars-Cov-2 followed by lockdowns, lost jobs, and losing our minds. Oh, and apparently Africa has locusts too, on top of all the insanity.
Here’s to hoping and praying that the last half of this year goes better than the first half, and that this sickness is eradicated. I’m not sure that I’ve accomplished much in the way of my goals for the first quarter given the circumstances, but we shall see. That just means I get to try again for what’s left of this current quarter. Let’s recap and make new goals, shall we?

Quarter 1 Goals | 2020 Recap
1. Be more proactive with sharing my content to social media.
Am I the only blogger who struggles with this? I tend to pick my favorite platform and post there, or not at all because of anxiety. So, one of my goals for 2020 this quarter is to be more proactive about sharing my content to all my social platforms and not just one or two.
2. Come up with a plan + market all I have to offer.
I mentioned last quarter that I wanted to market myself better, and I think that’s one of the most reasonable and actionable goals for 2020 this quarter too. It’s always something I can be improving on, but I’ve got better tools in place this time around!
3. Work smarter, not harder.
One of my favorite websites ever is Restored316. Not only are their themes my favorite, but Lauren Gaige is just the best. In this post, she talks about how to be more visible online with less content. This is exactly the kind of goals for 2020 I want to work towards this quarter, because life is stressful as-is, and anything that makes my job easier is worth it.
1. Say no to negative self-talk.
I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this. This quarter, anytime I feel negativity towards myself creeping in, I want to try to say no to it and instead leave myself notes of encouragement!
2. Get organized.
I think all of us could probably use a little more organization in our lives. For the most part, I am organized, but there’s a few areas I’d like to organize more. So, that’s another one of my goals for 2020 this quarter, to get more organized.
3. Purge the things I don’t need/use.
This is a big one. I’ve been needing to do this one for a while. Clutter is not my friend. In fact, it makes me anxious. So, this is one of my big personal goals for 2020 is to purge and donate all the things I no longer need/use.
How’d I Do?
1. Be more proactive with sharing my content to social media.
This is a big fat no, haha. I’ve actually done the opposite and shut down, mainly because my mind has been preoccupied with the state of the world. It’s been hard for me to write because I felt like I was fake if I just wrote and acted like nothing was going on when there was a lot happening, so I just didn’t.
2. Come up with a plan + market all I have to offer.
I finally think I do have a plan in place for marketing, but I haven’t yet sat down to actually do it. So, it’s a work in progress, just like me.
3. Work smarter, not harder.
Not exactly, but again, it’s a work in progress. I have the idea down pat, just not the action part of the idea, lol.
1. Say no to negative self-talk.
No to this one. I honestly forgot all about this goal, so that’s my bad! But I will try again and make progress with it.
2. Get organized.
For the most part, yes. I am working currently on organizing my least organized space, which is my office and it’s coming along nicely!
3. Purge the things I don’t need/use.
Yes, I have done a little purging, but I definitely need to do more. Especially with clothes. Does anyone else have a hard time letting go of clothes like me? lol.

Quarter 2 Goals | 2020
1. Be more proactive about recording my podcast + audio for posts.
So I launched a podcast in January (yay!), but since the Pandemic hit everything was put on the back burner. So, another of my Quarter 2 Goals is to pick that back up again. I wanna be regular with it despite the circumstances.
2. Actually sit down and write out a content plan.
For months now, I’ve had the idea in my head for a content plan. However, I’ve never gotten out of my own way to do it. So, for the next few weeks of this quarter, that’s my goal. #makeithappen
3. Show more of myself online more, as opposed to just posts.
I can’t be the only small-biz owner/entrepreneur that struggles with this! I have this tendency to hide behind my content and not share much else about me. So, my goal this quarter is to show more of myself besides just posts!
1. Practice body positivity.
I think this is something women struggle with more than anyone, thanks to the media. So, one of my Quarter 2 Goals is to practice body positivity and speak kind words about myself and my body daily. I know it’s not gonna be easy, but it’ll be worth it.
2. Work on the need to please & impress.
Recovering perfectionist over here! Anyone else relate? I always feel like everything has to be perfect, especially my house when I have company. So, my goal this quarter is to embrace the messy and not worry so much.
3. Exercise more instead of sitting around.
Ever since the Pandemic hit, I’ve just been sitting around all day. My body is starting to feel the effects of that, so my goal this quarter is to MOVE. It doesn’t have to be much, but just get up and move, or go outside.

Once again I am giving myself some more big tasks to tackle, but that’s okay. I need the accountability with these things, and growth is good. Have you made any goals for this quarter? I’d love to read them in the comments.
Here’s to conquering the second quarter of this weird year with confidence and pride. Let’s go make a difference!