Quarter 4 Goals
We’re already halfway through October, and I honestly can’t wrap my mind around it. These Quarter 4 goals will be ones that I want to accomplish to finish this year strong. I’ll be honest, this year has been rather hard for me, but I’m gonna try and finish strong anyways!
Finally it is starting to feel like Fall here in Tennessee with temps in the mid to upper 70s at last! I’m thoroughly enjoying the cool weather. Today, we will be recapping my Quarter 3 goals, and making some new ones for the final quarter of the year. I’m really curious to see how I did, cause I’ve been kinda slacking, haha! I’d love to hear about your own quarter 4 goals, so comment and tell me what they are!

Quarter 3 Goals | A Recap
1. Launch a Podcast (finally!)
This is actually for sure happening! I plan to launch in September, I’ve already gotten one episode recorded and am taking guests as I write this! If you’re interested in being on the podcast, fill out the contact form here and let me know! I am SO excited about this, you guys!
2. Open up a shop!
YES! This has been something I’ve been working on behind the scenes off and on for the last 8 months, and the shop is just about ready and will officially open in September as well. If you’re interested in taking a sneak peek around and testing it out, email me and I’ll give you the link + a coupon code for your first purchase! I am also really excited about this venture too.
3. Be consistent in blogging!
Obviously I’ve been in a rut lately, but this quarter I wanna change that. My goal is to consistently post once a week with new content. This means, I’m gonna have to consistently have a plan of action, so that’s what my main goal will be.
1. Be diligent about what I eat.
I’m wanting to shave off a few pounds, but I’m not the best at being diligent about what I eat. So, a personal goal I have is to start being more mindful about what I consume to help my weight loss efforts.
2. Don’t be afraid to take risks!
This one is a bit hard for me, as shocking as that may be as someone whose an Entrepreneur. However, some things don’t always come naturally and take time, so I want to try to be less afraid of taking risks. So this quarter, I aim to be less afraid of taking risks even if I’m scared, because what’s entrepreneurship without the risk taking?
3. Don’t bottle up feelings.
I am the world’s worst–believe it or not–at bottling up my feelings. I push them down until one day I just come unglued and it’s not healthy. My goal for this quarter is to be more open about what I’m feeling and not dismiss how I feel. After all, life is messy and so am I and I shouldn’t be ashamed of that.
How’d I do?
1. BLOGGING: Launch a Podcast (finally!)
Due to some unfortunate circumstances with my family back in September, I decided it would be best to move the podcast launch to January. It is still happening, just a little later. So far I have 4 episodes recorded thus far, and plan to have more before launch. I’m still really excited about it!
1. PERSONAL: Be diligent about what I eat.
This one is a work in progress, but I have actually started making an effort. When I buy groceries, I’ve been diligent about getting healthier options, especially when it comes to snacks, because I have a bad tendency to eat bad snack food. But my healthier choices are paying off because I’m feeling better!
2. BLOGGING: Open up a shop!
YES! I officially launched September 1, and have gotten a couple orders. You can check it out right here! I’m super excited about this, and can’t wait for the future of this little shop. If you buy anything from me, I want to thank you in advance for supporting me!
2. PERSONAL: Don’t be afraid to take risks!
I’m getting better about it. I took a couple small risks when deciding to open a shop and prepare to launch a podcast, and so far those risks are paying off. I was afraid to do both because of “what if’s” and stupid comparison, but it turns out I had nothing to really be afraid of. I’m sure there will be bigger risks in the future, and I’m going to try and not be afraid.
3. Be consistent in blogging!
I am definitely trying to be! Not always on it, but the effort is what matters. My goal is to post once a week, and sometimes that happens and sometimes not, but I’m learning that’s okay. Life isn’t all sunshine and roses sometimes!
3. Don’t bottle up feelings.
Definitely still working on this, but making slow progress. My motto: #progressoverperfection in this sense. I’ve bottled up feelings my whole life, so it’ll be a process trying to retrain my brain.

Quarter 4 Goals
1. Work on my time management skills.
I’ll be honest here. I have the worst time management skills! When I was in school, I was on it and it seemed easy. But now? I really stink at it. One of my quarter 4 goals these last few months, is to master time management again, especially with blogging!
2. Market myself and my skills.
Another thing I really struggle with, is being able to market myself online. I have advising courses and consulting packages, a shop, a blog, an email list, and soon to be a podcast and I struggle marketing it all. Part of me has this ridiculous fear, but the other part just struggles with balance. So another good goal for this quarter in addition to the above, is marketing myself and my skills.
3. Get better at planning/organizing content.
This kind of ties in to time management, but it’s a little different. The biggest thing I hope to accomplish for blogging, is really to get better at planning and organizing content for it. Whether that be blog posts, emails, social media content. I’m not that great at it currently, so this is a biggie for my quarter 4 goals.
1. Clean my house daily.
It sounds kinda silly, but I know I’m not the only one who struggles with this. I typically clean my whole house once a week, and sometimes that just doesn’t work well. This last quarter of the year, I hope to make a habit of cleaning as I go, and clean messes right after I make them instead of leaving them.
2. Exercise daily for at least 10-15 minutes.
My husband will tell you I’m really bad about buying exercise things I rarely use. I’m just lazy about it! There’s so many other things I’d rather be doing than exercise, haha. But, it’s still good for you, so I hope to make an effort to do so daily even if it’s just 10 minutes.
3. Walk away when I’m upset about something.
Sometimes when I’m working at my desk, there’s things that don’t always go like they’re supposed to, which gets frustrating. I have a bad habit of letting things get the best of me instead of walking away when I’m upset. This is probably the biggest thing I need to work on with these quarter 4 goals.

The last couple months of this year have quite a big list of quarter 4 goals for me, but I’m not backing down. I’ve said it before, but I enjoy making these posts because they keep me accountable and give me things to actively strive toward. I also love sharing them with you as I grow and try to be better about these things.
I’m always in your corner, and we’re all gonna finish this year strong! No matter what goals you have, know that I’ll be here cheering you on. Happy almost Halloween, friends. And happy goal-setting!