5 Things To Pray Over Your Marriage
I used to pray about the day I got married. As a little girl, I always dreamed of marriage and the day that I would say “I Do”. Growing up in a Christian home, I was also surrounded by the best example of what Christian marriage looked like because of my parents, and I hoped my marriage would be as amazing as theirs.
Something we all too often take lightly though, is the important role that prayer has within our marriage. Without prayer, our marriages suffer. We try to be all that our spouse needs, and rely on our own strength to satisfy them and hold the marriage together. Reality is though, we are incapable of doing that–we just weren’t made to. God created marriage, and He desires it for us, but He also wants to be, and should be, the glue that holds it together. We allow Him to do this through prayer, because it is our direct line of communication with God. I want to talk about five things to pray over your marriage today, and I hope it encourages you in some way.

1. Pray that you will be the spouse God has called you to be
I know for me, this is imperative. In the Bible, God has laid out specific roles for each spouse to fill. Believe me, it ain’t easy most days, but that’s why praying this over your marriage is so so important. God can work in and through both of you if you are willing to surrender to His guidance. In our own strength, it is impossible to fulfill these roles, but with Christ at the center of our lives and marriages, He gives guidance and the ability to be the spouse we need to be. If you don’t know what those roles are, I encourage you to read Ephesians 5.
2. Pray for each other’s dreams & aspirations.
This one is so huge. When we pray for each other’s dreams and aspirations, it enables us to encourage each other for one, but it also helps us listen to each other. When we pray over our spouse’s dreams and aspirations, God hears them. Another thing about this, is when we pray over these for each other, not only are we interceding on our spouse’s behalf to God, we are showing love and respect for the other as well. This puts into practice the act of self-sacrificing in a lot of ways, because you are praying for your spouse’s successes and encouraging them to pursue their dreams.

3. Pray that your marriage is a positive influence on others.
Also huge is this fact. We live in a day and age now, where marriage is highly frowned upon. Most people don’t see the point of it or don’t really care about the commitment which is sad. If there’s anything to pray over your own marriage, it is this. I want my marriage not only to be a positive influence on others, but I want my marriage to shine the light of Christ to others too. Marriage is such an honor and a truly beautiful thing, and I want the joy of marriage and the love of Christ to be reflected in mine.
4. Pray to make the invisible God visible in your marriage.
Think about this: we encounter so many people in a day. Most of whom don’t believe there is a God. If you are a in a Christian marriage, your love for Jesus and each other will show. When we encounter people who don’t believe, you may be the only Jesus they ever see, and that’s something we shouldn’t take lightly. We should be praying that through our marriages and our everyday lives that we make the invisible God visible to a waiting and watching world and reflect Jesus in all of it.

5. Pray for each other daily.
In order to be the best spouse we can be, we should be covering each other up in prayer every day. Praying not only for the events of each day, but for our spouses hearts, minds, & their protection. None of us are immune to the struggles of the flesh, and the way to combat that is to be fervently praying for our spouse’s and asking God to shield them, as well as ourselves. We are incapable of changing our spouse, but the one thing we absolutely can do and should do, is pray for them daily, and let God handle the rest.
This list isn’t extensive, but I believe all of these are important things to pray over your marriage. My hope is that this post encouraged you and informed you about the important role that prayer plays in marriage, and helped give you a guide for some things to pray over your own marriage. Have more that should be added to the list? Drop me a comment and let me know some other great ways you pray over your marriage!