Quarter 3 Goals
It’s already the end of July and this Quarter 3 goals post is going up way later than I planned, but done is better than perfect. I am so ready for the Fall season, anyone else? It’s been basically between the 90s and 100s lately and we haven’t gotten much rain where I live, so cooler weather is needed. It’s been a while since I’ve written, because I’ve been in a little bit of a productivity slump since losing my job and am still trying to figure out what comes next.
Today we’ll be recapping my Quarter 2 goals as well as making some new ones for the last two months of this quarter. I’m hoping there’s at least a few of them I managed to mark off the list! Tell me, are there any goals YOU have for this quarter? I’d love to hear about them in the comment section.

Quarter 2 Goals | A Recap
1. Be consistent on Instagram!
You guys, I am a pretty awful Instagrammer. Mostly because I struggle with comparison a lot and let that discourage me from sharing because I feel I’m not “good enough”. But, slowly I plan on changing that mindset and I’m not gonna let a silly app dictate how I feel about myself! So I am making it my goal this quarter to be consistent on Instagram even when I am feeling down. If you remember from quarter 4, I said I wanted to be more vulnerable. And it’s gonna start in this space and continue on social media! Will you be my accountability partners in this?
2. Be consistent with my newsletter!
I’m gonna be honest. I struggle so hard with remembering to send out a newsletter to my email list. While it isn’t a huge list, I have people who are on that list and I fail to send out newsletters sometimes! So, one of my quarter 3 goals for these next few months is to try and be more consistent in sending out a newsletter.
3. Be consistently planning content!
Another area I sometimes struggle in, is planning out content in advance. I used to be so good at planning things when I was in school and kept everything in my planner, but I’ve kinda lost my footing in that department. So, I’m gonna make this another one of my quarter 3 goals to try and consistently plan out content!
1. Have more confidence in myself!
This is a struggle for a lot of us. There’s a mental war we engage in with ourselves a lot where we bounce between knowing we are great at something and still feeling inadequate because we fall trap to comparison. I may have mentioned this one before, but it’s still one of my quarter 3 goals I want to work towards because it’s something I struggle with daily.
2. Let go of the past!
I am pretty bad at letting it go. As much as I’d like to channel my inner Elsa and say I “let it go”, I usually don’t. In fact, I often dwell on the past so much that it affects how I react to certain things and situations and I can’t move on. So, a goal of mine this quarter is to make a conscious effort to literally let it go and don’t let things from the past keep me from moving forward.
3. Start keeping a journal!
When I was younger, I used to journal all the time. However, as I’ve gotten older and life has gotten busier, I have gotten out of the habit of it. Honestly journaling is such a good habit to have because it allows us to get out how we are feeling without letting our emotions build up to the point that we just burst from it. This quarter, I’m going to try and pick back up journaling.
How’d I do?
1. BLOGGING: Be consistent on Instagram!
I am a still a pretty awful Instagrammer. The last few months really, I’ve been unable to find joy from posting to Instagram. I also feel like it’s a constant battle on what to post, what to say, when to post, and how to grow and I’m tired of the game. I’m hoping that at some point I’ll be able to post again without any negative feelings, but if you see less of me, this is why.
1. PERSONAL: Have more confidence in myself!
This is still a daily struggle for me, but my husband has been encouraging me in this department for quite a while. Progress over perfection is my motto in this department. Confidence is something that doesn’t just happen overnight.
2. BLOGGING: Be consistent with my newsletter!
I am still awful at this one, too. I can’t remember the last time I sent out a newsletter. My email list is one of the biggest areas I struggle with right now. I hope to get better at it, but it’s really hard.
2. PERSONAL: Let go of the past!
This is a continuing work in progress. Heck, I am a continual work in progress. Letting go is not my strongest quality, but I am always working toward getting better at it. One day at a time, one step at a time.
3. BLOGGING: Be consistently planning content!
This one has been hard lately too. Can you tell I’m in a bit of a blogging rut? I think part of my problem comes from not writing things down and needing to figure out an organization system that works for me so I can plan stuff consistently and keep track of ideas.
3. PERSONAL: Start keeping a journal!
I haven’t done this one. I honestly forgot about it completely! Maybe this month I’ll make an effort to go pick up a journal and start using it. There’s something about writing down everything in a journal that just makes you feel better.

Quarter 3 Goals
1. Launch a Podcast (finally!)
This is actually for sure happening! I plan to launch in September, I’ve already gotten one episode recorded and am taking guests as I write this! If you’re interested in being on the podcast, fill out the contact form here and let me know! I am SO excited about this, you guys!
2. Open up a shop!
YES! This has been something I’ve been working on behind the scenes off and on for the last 8 months, and the shop is just about ready and will officially open in September as well. If you’re interested in taking a sneak peek around and testing it out, email me and I’ll give you the link + a coupon code for your first purchase! I am also really excited about this venture too.
3. Be consistent in blogging!
Obviously I’ve been in a rut lately, but this quarter I wanna change that. My goal is to consistently post once a week with new content. This means, I’m gonna have to consistently have a plan of action, so that’s what my main goal will be.
1. Be diligent about what I eat.
I’m wanting to shave off a few pounds, but I’m not the best at being diligent about what I eat. So, a personal goal I have is to start being more mindful about what I consume to help my weight loss efforts.
2. Don’t be afraid to take risks!
This one is a bit hard for me, as shocking as that may be as someone whose an Entrepreneur. However, some things don’t always come naturally and take time, so I want to try to be less afraid of taking risks. So this quarter, I aim to be less afraid of taking risks even if I’m scared, because what’s entrepreneurship without the risk taking?
3. Don’t bottle up feelings.
I am the world’s worst–believe it or not–at bottling up my feelings. I push them down until one day I just come unglued and it’s not healthy. My goal for this quarter is to be more open about what I’m feeling and not dismiss how I feel. After all, life is messy and so am I and I shouldn’t be ashamed of that.

These next couple of months have high quarter 3 goals for me to work on. I am always really intentional when making these goals because they are things I truly need to strive towards. I always get excited about these goals posts because they help keep me on track, and it’s also a time when I can get vulnerable about the things I am struggling with in hopes of getting better and growing in these areas. I’m super thankful to have you in my corner as I share these things, and hopefully it encourages you to learn and grow as well.
Even though it’s the end of July, I’m over here cheering you on as you set goals to achieve! We all need that extra push sometimes to get moving on things we keep putting off like our health. Happy end of July, friends! I hope your goal setting is amazing and that you accomplish all the things you want to this quarter!